Anyhow, when I run outside, I rock my iPod shuffle and some great playlists. I used to do the same when I ran inside and would occasionally mix that up with a great audio book. Enter Serial. This podcast changed my life. Serially. I mean, seriously.
I love a good crime mystery and the fact that this one is real and the main players are my age just sucked me right in. I started listening about halfway through the first season (two more are in the works!!) and was left eagerly awaiting the release of each week's ep. Since it seems like I'm always training for a half marathon, I decided to listen to the Serial episodes when I had to run on the treadmill because of weather (which ended up being a lot this winter. Boo.) or for speedwork sessions.
I was super sad when the story ended and craved more discussion. I jumped far down the rabbit hole and found myself listening to podcasts about the podcast. Yup. Some were better than others, but they all fed my need to continue reflecting on the case.
Enter Undisclosed. This podcast is put on by three attorneys who are delving further into the case. I highly recommend it. They have biweekly episodes with an addendum that usually drops on the off weeks.
And in case that's still not enough for you (it wasn't for me!) you can also listen to Serial Dynasty. It's a wonderful podcast that compliments Undisclosed and references Serial.
So this is what got me through my time on the treadmill today. Just a 35 minute tempo run (during which I wanted to quit like 18 times) with some food for thought to distract me.
Oh, and I totally rock some old school behind the head, foam covered headphones. Old school style, yo. Earbuds don't stay in my teeny, tiny ears.
What do you listen to while you run? Nothing? I can't understand that...hearing myself pant is awful! How do you drown that out?
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