Here's the current situation.
When I initially started to dabble in running, about 10 years ago, I went to a local running store and was fitted for shoes. I learned that I'm a neutral runner without any real shoe needs-except that they have to feel right. Up until I started half marathon training in 2013, I would say I probably purchased 4 or 5 pairs of running shoes.
Since I started running half marathons, I've probably purchased 10-15 pairs of running shoes. Now, each shoe should last for 300-500 miles of pavement pounding. Clearly I have a problem. I have not run enough miles to justify the excessive shoe purchases. But they're just so fun! And sadly some have not worked out well for running and they get relegated to the gym workout shoes rotation. As do old running shoes.
Really all of this is to say.....
What had happened was, our local Fleet Feet had a clearance sale on shoes. They were either $30, $60, or $90. Of course the pair that I liked the best fell into the $90 range (isn't that ALWAYS the way); however, I believe that I'm saving money in the long run because they retail for close to $150.
Also, I'm working on curtailing my shoe purchasing frenzy and will not start wearing these until mid-September or October. Help me stick with this. Check my pix for what shoes I'm sporting!
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